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Black Sabbath Born Again-Remastered (2011)

Disco: 1
1. Trashed
2. Stonehenge
3. Disturbing The Priest
4. The Dark
5. Zero The Hero
6. Digital Bitch
7. Born Again
8. Hot Line
9. Keep It Warm
Disco: 2
1. The Fallen
2. Stonehenge
3. Hot Line
4. War Pigs
5. Black Sabbath
6. The Dark
7. Zero The Hero
8. Digital Bitch
9. Iron Man
10. Smoke On The Water
11. Paranoid
Título do Albúm: Born Again-Remastered
Banda: Black Sabbath
Lançamento: 2011
Gênero: Rock/Metal
Gravadora: Web Music
Formato: Rar/MP3
Tamanho: 171 MB

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